Cargo-Hyperloop Mobility System
The traditional transportation system of industrial raw materials such as like coal, mineral ores, etc., accrues material loss and uncertainty in delivery time causing environmental pollution and loss of productivity. A dedicated closed conduit transportation system for the first/last mile connectivity from the mines to the user agencies can alleviate such problems effectively. The proposed project aims to develop an alternate means of transporting goods from mines to the user plants by designing a pipe-following modular cargobot system driven by compressed air flow. The system can be conceived as a low-speed version of a hyperloop system powered by the drag force of the compressed-air flow. The Compressed-Air Based Cargo Hyperloop (CABCH) can carry a series of cargobots equipped with a motion sensing system, passive speed control system and necessary electronic sensing system for loop health monitoring and data communication. The cargo modules will vary in size as a function of load with the matching pipeline sizes.